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The Property Unleashed Podcast update

Jul 18, 2021

I hope this Blog finds you well?

Unfortunately that is not the case in my household at the moment as the children have caught Covid from school and we are all suffering now with this virus, as with anything I life I like to take a bit of time to reflect on situations as and when they happen and I do this most morning when I journal (if you do not journal at the moment I highly recommend you start as it clears the mind)

Its at time like this that I think how lucky I am that I don't have to report to anyone about having 10 days off work or letting customers down because I have to cancel appointments, My businesses run without me in the day to day operations and being on the ground, so really I still have the same business happening for me weather I can go out and do it myself or not.

Now I understand if you are starting your own Rent 2 Rent business or any property business you wont be able to say that strait away but you will still find that once the rooms or property is filled there is very little that will take your time up. if there is a problem you should have the numbers of good trades people to be able to take care of the issues and really just be there for emergencies.

Property is a fantastic business to get into and one that can be very sustainable but it need to be set up right, you need to do the right deals and have your numbers nailed or you wont make very much money. 

I see so many people jump straight into deals that really are only deals for the landlords as they are offering too much money so they will never make a decent profit, no one is supporting people properly in the R2R world and that is why we see and hear about so many people handing properties back saying that R2R doesn't work, I can tell you it does work you just need to make sure you have it all set up and the numbers stack. the property is in a good area and you can put the type of tenants in that you want to work with, if you can do that and pay the landlord a fee that works for both of you then its a win / win.

Never be afraid to pay for the advice and you will see the best in any business use the right people in the industry to help them get an advantage over the competition.

I have a training course the Rent 2 Rent business builder that can take you from novice to expert in 90 days with coaching from myself or we are now lauching the Rent 2 Rent Members Academy for people who have the training but want to coaching and help when they need it the most, we have live Q&A sessions each month with me to answer all your questions and a community at your fingertips so you are never alone wondering what to do.

To find out more click here 

Until the next time 

buy for now 

Mark Fitzgerald 


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